Breaking Down the Process: A Comprehensive Guide to Car Engine Failure

Imagine cruising down the highway, enjoying your favorite playlist, when suddenly your car sputters and comes to a halt. The check engine light flickers on, and you’re left wondering what just happened. For many car owners, engine failure is a dreaded scenario that can strike unexpectedly.

Understanding car engine failure is crucial for maintaining your vehicle’s health and avoiding hefty repair bills. This blog post will guide you through the common causes of engine failure, how to recognize the symptoms, and the importance of regular maintenance to keep your engine running smoothly.

Call 317-475-1846 For Affordable Car Engine Repair in Indianapolis
Call 317-475-1846 For Affordable Car Engine Repair in Indianapolis

Dealing With Car Engine Failure

Common Causes of Engine Breakdowns

Car engine breakdowns can result from various issues, some more common than others. One primary cause is overheating, often due to a malfunctioning cooling system. When your engine gets too hot, it can lead to severe damage or even complete failure.

Another prevalent cause is oil-related problems. Insufficient or dirty oil can cause friction and wear on engine components, leading to breakdowns. Additionally, timing belt failure can bring your engine to a standstill, as this belt coordinates the movement of various engine parts.

Symptoms of Engine Malfunctions

Recognizing the early signs of engine malfunctioning can save you from being stranded on the side of the road. One telltale sign is the check engine light. While it might be tempting to ignore this warning, it’s a clear indication that something is amiss in your engine. Unusual noises, such as knocking or ticking sounds, can also signal engine trouble. Lastly, poor performance, including frequent stalling or reduced power, should raise red flags about potential engine issues.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance

Preventive Measures

Regular maintenance is your first line of defense against car engine failure. By following your vehicle’s maintenance schedule, you can catch minor issues before they escalate into major problems. This includes routine oil changes, which keep your engine lubricated and reduce wear and tear. Additionally, regularly inspecting and replacing the timing belt can prevent catastrophic failures.

Professional Inspections

While some maintenance tasks can be performed at home, professional inspections are invaluable. Automotive repair shops have the expertise and equipment to identify and address potential engine problems that may not be visible to the untrained eye. Regular diagnostic checks can help pinpoint issues early, saving you time and money in the long run.

Benefits of Regular Maintenance

Investing time and effort in regular maintenance offers several benefits. Not only does it prolong the lifespan of your engine, but it also enhances your car’s overall performance. A well-maintained engine runs more efficiently, providing better fuel economy and reducing emissions. Additionally, staying on top of maintenance can increase your vehicle’s resale value, making it a worthwhile investment.

What to Do When Your Car Engine Fails

Immediate Steps

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of engine failure, stay calm. First, safely pull over to the side of the road and turn on your hazard lights. This ensures your safety and alerts other drivers to your predicament. Next, turn off the engine to prevent further damage. Once you’re safely off the road, assess the situation. If you can identify the problem and feel confident in your ability to address it, you may attempt a temporary fix.

Calling for Help

If you’re unable to diagnose or fix the issue, it’s best to call for professional assistance. Contact a tow service to transport your vehicle to a nearby mechanic. It’s essential to choose a reputable auto repair shop with experience in dealing with engine problems. The experts there can perform a thorough engine diagnostic to determine the cause of the failure and recommend the best course of action.

Preparing for Repairs

Once your car is at the repair shop, the technicians will provide you with an estimate for the necessary repairs. Be sure to ask questions and understand the scope of the work required. Depending on the severity of the engine failure, you may need a simple repair or a complete engine replacement. While the latter can be costly, it’s sometimes the best option for ensuring your vehicle’s longevity and reliability.

The Cost of Engine Failure

Financial Implications

Engine failure can be a significant financial burden. The cost of repairs varies depending on the extent of the damage and the type of engine in your vehicle. Simple repairs, such as replacing a faulty sensor, may be relatively inexpensive. However, more extensive repairs or engine replacement can run into thousands of dollars. It’s essential to weigh the repair costs against the value of your vehicle and consider whether investing in repairs is the best decision.

Safety Concerns

Beyond the financial implications, engine failure also poses safety risks. A sudden breakdown on a busy road can lead to dangerous situations, putting both you and other drivers at risk. Additionally, driving a vehicle with a compromised engine can result in further damage and potentially cause accidents. Prioritizing regular maintenance and addressing engine issues promptly can help mitigate these safety concerns.

Long-Term Consequences

Neglecting engine issues can have long-term consequences for your vehicle. Persistent problems can lead to decreased performance, reduced fuel efficiency, and increased emissions. Over time, this can take a toll on your vehicle’s overall health and decrease its lifespan. By addressing engine problems early and maintaining a proactive approach, you can avoid these long-term issues and enjoy a reliable and efficient vehicle.


Don’t wait until engine failure strikes—take action today and enjoy peace of mind knowing your car is in good hands. Regular maintenance, prompt attention to warning signs, and seeking professional help when needed can save you from costly repairs and ensure your safety on the road. Remember, a well-maintained engine is the heart of your vehicle, keeping it running smoothly and efficiently.

If you’re concerned about your car’s engine health or want to ensure your vehicle is in top condition, let us help. Contact Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for professional car engine repair in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our experienced technicians can perform comprehensive engine diagnostics, provide expert advice, and offer tailored maintenance plans to keep your engine running at its best. Request a free estimate, or schedule service, today.

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5 Reasons Why Your Car is Shaking

Cars are meant to move in all sorts of ways, but shaking, vibrating, and bobbing are not considered normal in terms of conventional automotive performance. If your vehicle is showing any signs of odd movement like shaking, it is important to diagnose the problem and resolve the issue before any more damage results.

Continue reading to learn the top 5 reasons why your car might be shaking, plus where to get dealership level automotive service and repair at neighborhood prices.

Auto Service  Indianapolis Indiana 317-475-1846
Auto Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-475-1846

Why Does Your Car Have the Shakes?

Car shaking and vibrating are not symptoms you should ever ignore. In most cases, such movements are indicative of a serious underlying mechanical problem. Other times, it can be something simple like uneven tire tread wear. Regardless of why your car is shaking, it is important that you take it into your local Indianapolis mechanic as soon as possible to diagnose and resolve the issue. The longer you wait to repair whatever it is causing your car to shake or vibrate, then the worse your vehicle’s condition will get. This means costlier and more invasive repairs.

Whether the vibrating and shaking are happening intermittently, or every single time you drive, you can help your mechanic diagnose the issue by recounting when the shaking takes place. Does your car shake when you’re in idle? Does it shake intermittently as you drive? Does your car shake when you start the vehicle but then stops shaking as you begin to drive? Do you hear any odd sounds when your car begins to shake? Have you been in an accident recently, even a minor one like running over a squirrel? This is all important information that your mechanic will need to know in order to efficiently diagnose the issue and facilitate the needed repair.

5 Common Causes for a Shaking Car

Although there are many reasons why a car might be shaking and vibrating, the top 5 reasons typically involve issues with the wheels, tires, engine, or steering and suspension system. These are the areas your mechanic will focus on first as they begin the process of deciphering the issues causing your car shakes.


As mentioned earlier, sometimes cars will begin shaking if they have low or uneven tire tread. Imbalanced tires can also cause cars to shake. You might just need routine tire service to correct the issue, such as rotation and alignment, tire inflation, or tire replacement.


If you can feel the shaking beneath your feet coming up through the floorboards, particularly at higher speeds near 50 miles an hour, the wheels could be to blame. A routine wheel balance should set you straight. However, it could be due to loosen lug nuts or broken wheel bearings, which are both easy and inexpensive to repair.

Steering and Suspension

Your steering and suspension system are responsible for keeping your car steady as you drive over rough terrain. If something is mechanically off within your steering and suspension, such as a bent axle, damaged CV joint, or faulty driveshaft, your car may begin to bounce or bobble as you drive when you reach higher speeds. Although much different from shaking and vibrating, this is still a problem that needs immediate attention.


If your car begins to shake when you are stopped in idle, it is likely due to mechanical issues within the engine. In most cases, spark plug replacement is the solution. Other than spark plugs, car shaking could be caused from dirty or clogged air filters, loose motor mounts, or disconnected spark plug wires.


Car shaking can also present itself when the car brakes are engaged. If your car begins to shake or vibrate when you press down on the brake pedal, the issue could likely be due to worn-out brake pads or warped brake rotors. If you smell a burning order when you hit the brakes, you could have a brake caliper that’s stuck. All of these issues can be resolved with the help of a licensed mechanic.

Are you looking for a qualified automotive repair shop in Indy to resolve your car shaking issue at an affordable price? Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for superior, ASE licensed auto repair and service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We service all make and model vehicles.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Speedometer Repair

Your vehicle’s speedometer is arguably one of the most important safety and operational components since it is the component that displays the speed at which your car is traveling. When your speedometer begins to malfunction, it is vital that you have it serviced and repaired as soon as possible. Not only can inaccurate speedometer readings put you at risk of being pulled over for violating the speed limit, but it can put you and other drivers in grave danger.

Continue below to learn more about speedometers by reviewing these frequently asked questions.

Indianapolis Speedometer Repair
Indianapolis Speedometer Repair 317-475-1846

Speedometer Repair FAQS

Why Did My Speedometer Stop Working?

The most common reason why speedometers break down or malfunction is due to electrical issues within the vehicle. However, it could also be a wide range of other reasons, such as a defective speed sensor, engine control unit (ECU), wiring, or fuses. To diagnose a speedometer malfunction, your mechanic will use a few methods, starting with an examination of the sensor, and then all potentially related wiring and fuses. If these are not the issue, they will use a scanner to read the error code. This is often done to read Check Engine Lights, which they will also do to determine a problem with a speedometer.

Is it Dangerous to Drive With a Broken Speedometer?

Driving a car with a broken or faulty speedometer is very dangerous. Not only can it put you in danger, but it can also jeopardize the safety of your passengers, and other drivers and pedestrians on the road. As for the law, you can also be ticketed for operating a vehicle with a broken speedometer, which can cost you fines and court fees, and even risk suspending your drivers’ license. Seek immediate speedometer auto repair in Indianapolis as soon as possible to avoid these dangers and risks.

How are Speedometers Repaired?

Most speedometer repairs are straightforward, merely requiring an ECU replacement, fuse replacement, or trouble code clearing. Other times, to repair a speedometer, a mechanic must install a new speed sensor.

How Much Does Speedometer Repair Cost?

The cost to repair your speedometer depends on a wide range of variables, from the make and model of your car, to the severity of malfunction or defect, the auto repair shop you choose, and much more. On average, you can expect speedometer repairs to range anywhere between $200 and $500 in price. Some warranties cover this type of repair, which would eliminate the financial liability altogether. Keep in mind that in the case that it is covered under warranty, you will likely be limited to dealership mechanics only.

Where Can I Get Affordable and Fast Speedometer Repair in Indianapolis?

Call Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for affordable auto repair services in Indianapolis, Indiana for broken speedometers, check engine lights, and more. Our licensed mechanics have been helping Hoosiers repair and maintenance their vehicles for over 20 years, while offering affordable prices and reliable work. You can schedule a free inspection and estimate, anytime! We can even assist with tows! Don’t forget to mention one of our auto repair coupons or discounts to get the best deal in town.

Indianapolis Auto Repair and Service
Indianapolis Auto Repair and Service 317-475-1846

4 Things You are Doing That is Damaging Your Car

There are so many actions car owners do simply out of habit when driving their vehicles. Actions such as putting on our seat belts after we sit down, checking the rear view mirror before backing up, or plugging in our music before taking off for the day. Similarly, there are several other things we do that are not as harmless as the rituals mentioned above. Many drivers are totally unaware that certain habits can actually damage their vehicles. Driving habits that you once thought were harmless are actually highly detrimental.

Continue reading to learn a few common habits that can cause serious, costly damage to your car, and see if you are guilty of a few of them yourself!

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Indianapolis Auto Repair and Service 317-475-1846

The Parking Brake

The parking brake is one of the most neglected parts of an automatic transmission vehicle. Those who own manual cars or trucks often use their parking brake, but for several other drivers out there, this operation is often ignored, whether automatic or manual. This is a mistake that can jeopardize the integrity of your parking pawl and the transmission itself.

It can also result in your vehicle rolling downhill uncontrollably, after being parked on an incline. The parking brake puts a lock on the wheels and prevents it from rolling away. Failing to use a parking brake puts a lot of pressure on the car’s transmission; a part of the vehicle not meant to “hold” a car in place. It also strips the parking paw, as mentioned before. Always use the parking brake, but remember to release it before putting your car into drive again!

Switching Gears

Another common driving mistake is switching gears while the car is in motion. This often occurs when a driver backs up in reverse, and then switches their car into the drive-gear before it comes to a complete stop. This can strip the gears and bands within a vehicle’s transmission, which can be a costly repair. After a while, your vehicle may lose its ability to switch gears altogether because there is nothing there to provide the necessary tension it takes to thrust a vehicle into drive.  Always come to a complete stop before switching gears. See our blog, “Frequently Asked Questions About Car Transmissions” to review related car care tips.

Air Conditioning

Many people start their cars the wrong way by leaving their AC on when they shut off the ignition from the last time they drove. But leaving the AC on when you turn your car off, or already having it on when you start your car, is bad for the serpentine belt and causes the engine to work harder than it has to. This can lead to costly repairs down the line. Talk to a mechanic to learn when you need auto air conditioner service.

Automotive Fluids

Failing to replace or change-out automotive fluids is another major mistake made by drivers and car owners alike. This can cause several issues and performance failures with a vehicle. Fluids like brake fluid, motor oil, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, battery fluid, coolant, and windshield wiper fluid are the most important lubricants and liquids for all vehicles. Have them flushed, filled, and replaced as suggested by the manufacturer. See our blog about important fluids every vehicle should maintain to learn more.

Odd Noises and Sounds

We are probably all guilty of ignoring funny noises and strange sounds coming from our vehicles, at some point in our driving careers. But this is bad to do, and can lead to very costly repairs and put a driver and their passengers in danger. It is not safe to drive a car that is not in good condition. Bad brakes, an overheating engine, and much more can cause serous car accidents and collisions. If your car’s brakes are squeaky, or your engine seems to hiss louder than usual, or you hear some other type of unfamiliar noise coming from your vehicle, take it in to a licensed Indianapolis auto mechanic right away.

⚠ Never ignore any problems your car, no matter how minor. Bring it into a licensed mechanic as soon as you suspect that something is off with your vehicle’s performance or quality.

ASE Certified Indianapolis Auto Repair and Service in Indianapolis

Call Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for professional Indianapolis auto repair and service you can trust. We have been helping Hoosiers repair and maintenance their vehicles for over 20 years, while offering affordable prices and reliable work. You can schedule a free inspection and estimate, anytime! We can even assist with tows! Don’t forget to mention one of our auto repair coupons or discounts to get the best deal in town.

Collective Car Care Tips and Tricks You Need to Know

When it comes to cutting back and saving money, a great place to start is with your car. Vehicles can be a major expense since they require routine maintenance, regular fuel fill-ups, fluid changes, and basic protection, to ensure performance and reliability. All of these automotive requirements cost money, making car care an important part of investment protection. If you are taking care of your car to the best of your ability, you are already on the right path. However, adding a few more car care tips and tricks to improve your car maintenance acumen can’t hurt!

Continue reading to learn some vital automotive care and maintenance tips that can help you stay safe and save money.

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Indianapolis Auto Repair and Service 317-475-1846

Gas Mileage and Fuel Efficiency

Everyone wants to preserve as much fuel as possible in order to save money on gasoline. Here are the best ways to ensure you are:

☑ Slow down a little when you drive, and avoid revving the gas.
☑ Remove excess items from the trunk to reduce vehicular weight.
☑ Stay current on all factory scheduled maintenance and minor repairs.
☑ Carpool as often as possible.
☑ Use alternative transportation, like bikes, buses, Ubers, and more.
☑ Use the proper fuel grade.

Tire Care

Without proper tire maintenance, you can risk damaging several other areas of your car or truck, as well as, reduce its overall performance value. Three aspects are most important when it comes to the tires on your car or truck: matching the proper tire-type to your particular vehicle, purchasing high-quality tires, and regular tire maintenance. Be sure to regularly check your tire tread. Here in Indiana, the tire tread minimum is 2/32 of an inch for passenger car tires. Use the “penny test” to assess your tire tread. Simply insert a penny into the groove of your tire. If you can see Lincoln’s head, it means the tread is low and it is time to replace your vehicle’s tires.

Windshield Wiper Malfunctions

Although you have your windshield wipers and wiper fluid to rely on, it never hurts to have a backup plan when it comes to rain. One such hack is to use a spray-on rain resistant product. These products are perfectly safe for your car’s windshield, plus they are fairly priced and available at any local convenient store or automotive store. You can also order these products online. We Recommend Rain-X® 2-in-1 Glass Cleaner w/Rain Repellent, available at most department stores.

Car Cleanliness

Believe it or not, keeping your car clean will help it last a lot longer! This includes routine interior cleaning, such as vacuuming, dusting, and sanitizing, as well as, exterior cleaning, including the under body, windows, wheels, bumper, and all other exterior areas. Eliminating dust, dirt, and debris improves a vehicle’s performance, safety, and of course, appeal. For this reason, try to clean your car once every month. In fact, see our recent blog, “How to Wash Your Car Using the Rain” for a fun alternative to the car wash!

Factory Scheduled Car Maintenance

Factory scheduled car maintenance is vital to the overall performance, safety, and longevity of every vehicle. And it also helps with the budget since it prevents costly breakdowns and repairs. Scheduled car maintenance includes routine fluid changes, filter replacements, brake service, tire service, battery service, alignments, and more. Proper auto care reduces toxic emissions and fuel consumption, and supports a safer, more efficient operation. All this is eco-friendly and better for the environment. Check your owners’ manual for your vehicle’s suggested service schedule, and talk to your mechanic about your car’s individual needs.

Regular Inspections and Early Detections

Be sure to have your vehicle inspected regularly by a licensed mechanic. Brakes, lights, and other important components need regular inspection and service to ensure driving safety and efficiency. To determine how often your vehicle needs serviced, refer to your car’s manual, or ask a licensed auto mechanic in your area. See our blog, “Where Can I Find My Car’s Service Maintenance Schedule?” for help.

Indianapolis Automotive Maintenance and Repair at an Affordable Price

Call Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for professional automotive maintenance and repair in Indianapolis, Indiana. We’re ASE certified car mechanics who provide a wide range of auto repairs and maintenance for both foreign and domestic vehicles, including transmission repairs, fuel system repairs, and general automotive maintenance services. We also provide several amenities, such as free written estimates, flexible drop off and pickup hours, and more.

ASE Certified Automotive Mechanics 317-475-1846

Everyday Car Care Hacks You Really Need to Know

We are all looking for ways to save time, and one way we can do this is with some simple, everyday car care hacks! Continue below to learn a few tips and tricks that will help you improve your automotive maintenance practices and patterns, and ultimately, save you both time and money!

Indianapolis Auto Maintenance 317-475-1846
Indianapolis Auto Maintenance 317-475-1846

Gas Tank Location

Which side is the gas tank on? You have owned your car for years, and have pumped gas hundreds of times, yet you still get panicky every time you approach the fuel pump. We’ve all been there, and automotive engineers and manufacturers know this. That is why they have conveniently placed an arrow on your car’s dashboard, directly next to the fuel gauge. This arrow shows you which side of the car has the fuel tank. If there is no arrow, the icon location will instead indicate which side the fuel tank is on. What a life changer!

Lingering Odors

Does your car seem to constantly smell? Or perhaps it just has a lingering musty odor or staleness that turns you off? A great car care hack for this is essential oil! Simply locate a clothes pin, or even a bobbin pin and cotton ball, then dab a few drops onto it, stick it in the car vent, and turn on the air. The essential oil essence will fill your car with delightful, non-toxic aromas that will even set into the fabrics, leaving a longer lasting scent. Another trick is to tuck dryer sheets underneath seats to keep them smelling fresh.

Windshield Wiper Malfunctions

Although you have your windshield wipers and wiper fluid to rely on, it never hurts to have a backup plan when it comes to rain. One such hack is to use a spray-on rain resistant product. These products are perfectly safe for your car’s windshield, plus they are fairly priced and available at any local convenient store or automotive store. You can also order these products online. We Recommend Rain-X® 2-in-1 Glass Cleaner w/Rain Repellent, available at most department stores.

Worn Tires

If your tires are going bald, but you just can’t get to the auto repair shop for tire replacement service, you can simply lower your tire pressure just a bit, in order to get by for the time being. The lower tire pressure will give your vehicle more traction, which will allow you to drive a bit further without popping a tire. Need to measure your tire tread? Use a penny! In Indiana, this tire tread depth minimum is 2/32 of an inch for passenger car tires. This is measured from the top of the tire tread indicator, down to the top of the tread. You can use a penny to test this because the lettering over Abe Lincoln’s head on a penny measures out to exactly 2/32 of an inch tall! If you can see the letters, your tread is too low!

Looking for Quality Car Maintenance Service in Indianapolis?

Call Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for professional auto repair and car maintenance in Indianapolis, Indiana. We’re ASE certified car mechanics who provide a wide range of auto repairs and maintenance for both foreign and domestic vehicles, including comprehensive inspections following a car accident. Best of all, we offer customer conveniences like free written estimates, flexible drop off and pickup hours, automotive repair coupons and discounts, and competitive pricing.

Transmission Repair Services for Cars and Trucks

When a car or truck’s engine performance begins to deteriorate, this could mean the transmission needs some professional attention. Although an engine problem is not automatically a transmission issue, it is a common outcome for most car and truck owners. The condition of a transmission will determine what repair a car or truck owner will need to get their vehicle back on the road. Continue reading to learn more about truck and car transmission services and where to go for professional and reliable automotive maintenance and repair.

Transmission Repair

Transmission repair can be one of the most costly services for car or truck owner. In most cases, a mechanic will inspect the vehicle’s engine and transmission to determine the extent of damage or deterioration. Once this diagnosis is produced, they can recommend transmission repair solutions. Repairing a transmission, as mentioned before, is costly and also very time-consuming. As one of the most significant parts of a vehicle, transmissions require an extensive degree of concentration and patience for repair. This is why replacing parts, or the entire transmission, is a common suggestion among experienced mechanics and technicians.

Transmission Replacement

To help reduce repair costs, a mechanic is known to suggest simple part replacements and adjustments; rather than repairing the entire transmission. New transmission pieces are not common on the automotive parts market; therefore, used parts that are in good working condition are often times purchased instead. An automotive repair technician will remove old and corroded transmission parts, and replace them with pieces in better working condition. This practice is a thrifty and practical alternative to transmission repair, or purchasing an entirely new unit.

In other cases, a transmission will need to be completely replaced. In these situations, used transmissions are another practical remedy to high transmission costs. Many mechanics and automotive garages have connections with used auto part dealers and junk yards that can sell a rebuilt or re-manufactured car or truck transmission for half the cost of a new one. As long as the part is functional, there is hardly a difference when it comes to automotive performance and dependability.

Transmission Maintenance

Proper maintenance and upkeep is crucial for dependable transmission performance and longevity. TO be sure a car or truck transmission does not fail in the future, regular routine maintenance is imperative. Services such as regular inspections, tune-ups, and timely trips to the mechanic as soon as something seems wrong with a vehicle are important routine prevention tactics. Also, using proper fuel and fuel additives can greatly increase the performance and longevity of a car engine and transmission.

For more information about car or truck transmission repair services, call Northeast Auto in Indianapolis, Indiana at 317-475-1846 today. We are ASE certified mechanics with more than 20 years of experience working with transmissions, engines, and all other automotive parts. We are licensed and insured, as well as, family owned and operated.

Indianapolis Car Repair 317-475-1846

Indianapolis Car Repair 317-475-1846

Visit our website at for more details about our services and company background. Northeast Auto Service offers monthly specials, coupons, and automotive repair discounts, year-long. Call 317-475-1846 for a free estimate and information on transmission repair services and more in Indianapolis, IN.

Types of Vehicular Brakes

One of the most important components to a car or truck is the braking system.  Braking systems are complicated, but all have the same duty; to stop a vehicle from motion.  The types of brakes on a car or truck vary depending on the use of the vehicle.  There are several different types of braking systems, from high performance to the more common brakes we see every day.  Read on to learn more about the most common types of brakes found in everyday trucks and cars.

Anti-Lock Brakes

The most common type of anti-lock brakes are a computer-controlled system called ABS. These brakes were developed for safety reasons.  Anti-lock brakes are brakes that prevent wheel lock-up when you make sudden stops.  This prevents skidding, sliding, and decreases stopping distance.  In all, anti-lock brakes are an automobile safety system intended to reduce stopping times on dry, slippery, or wet surfaces and increase vehicle control.

Drum Brakes

At first glance, a drum brake is a rotating car part shaped like a drum.  The friction of these brakes is caused by a set of pads, or shoes, that press against it.  Drum brakes are just a component of an entire braking system as a whole.  When you apply pressure to your brakes, the wheel cylinder pushes the shoe against the drum, causing friction that makes the vehicle to slow down.  They are usually made from cast iron because it is heat-conductive and sturdy.  The heat-conductivity is important because when the lining is pressed against the inner surface of the brake drum, the heat of the friction can reach as high as 500 degrees Fahrenheit.

Disk Brakes

This is a wheel brake that uses friction to slow down the vehicle.  The friction is made by a set of calipers that makes the pads push up against the disc.  Brake discs are also commonly referred to as brake rotors, which are also made from cast iron.

Parking Brakes

Parking brakes are self-explanatory.  They are used to keep the vehicle in park.  This is accomplished through the use of cables that apply the brakes mechanically to prevent rolling while in park.  These brakes are most commonly used when parking n an incline or hill.

For more information about braking systems in cars, trucks, vans, and any other vehicle, contact a professional at Northeast Auto in Indianapolis, Indiana.  We are licensed and certified auto mechanics with over 20 years of experience in the industry.  We are happy to provide free estimates, advice, and more.  Call us at 317-475-1846 or visit our Indianapolis Auto Repair website today!