While driving, one might hear nothing but the purring of their car engine and the clicking of their turn signal. But there are times when a person can experience another set of noises they have never heard before; or ones that certainly startle. Such noises are not desirable, as they may portend the certainty of repairs and maintenance work ahead. But not to worry; most car noises, like thumping, crackling, grinding, and squeaking, are perfectly resolvable. The first step is to diagnose the cause of the noise or noises, and there are three very common noises that are related to a number of common repairs.
Continue reading to learn the top 3 most common car noises, how to listen for them, and what they might mean in terms of auto repair and service.

Car Noises That Indicate a Problem
Metal Grinding
If you are hearing metal on metal grinding sounds coming from somewhere in your car, this could possibly be the brakes. Brakes are made up of balanced parts, each with a particular path that allows them to harmoniously work together toward a common goal of stopping the car. If any of these parts are worn or off-set, it can create noises that sound like grinding. This means your car is probably in need of some new brake pads, or possibly even some new rotors. It is always best to have a certified technician take a look to be sure what the catalyst for the noise really is.
Aggressive Clunking
If you are suddenly hearing a heavy thumping or clanging sound coming from your vehicle, there is no telling whether or not it’s a serious or complex repair without further investigating some areas. These sounds could be occurring for a number of reasons, such as worn out or broken joints on a drive shaft and bad shocks. On the minor side, sometimes you just have something really heavy in your trunk and you keep hitting bumps on the road. Check your trunk, and if it turns out that’s not the issue, contact an auto repair shop to investigate further for you.
Whistling Engine Noise
This is not like the whistle of a train or trolley, but more like a hissing sound seeping out of your engine. Sometimes this sound is followed by heavy steam coming from the engine and can even last after the car is turned off. The root of the whistling can be a variety of reasons, from cooling system leaks to overheated engines. Again, it is best to check with a professional to diagnose the issue accurately. You do not want to risk a faulty repair job on your only means of transportation!
Concerned about the noises and sounds coming from your car or truck? Contact Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for engine repair and scheduled car maintenance in Indianapolis, Indiana you can afford. We also offer auto service coupons and discounts!
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