Recommended Maintenance for a Car That Has Not Been Driven in a While

Whether you have been away for business or finally decided to take that old classic out of storage, a vehicle that has been parked for a long period of time will require some specialized auto care. Continue below to learn the recommended maintenance for a car that has not been driven in a while, plus which auto repair shop in Indianapolis to trust for superior service at neighborhood prices.

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Automotive Service Repair Indianapolis Indiana 317-475-1846

Automotive Maintenance Tips for a Sitting Car

Hopefully you implemented some preventative maintenance to your vehicle before it took its long hiatus. But even if you didn’t, do not worry. There is still a chance that the right maintenance approach will get your ride operating safely and efficiently. Here are the top areas to focus on when planning to get your long-sitting car back in operation and out there on the open road once again:


Did the tank have gas in it? If so, be sure to drain it and fill it up with some new stuff. Gasoline does expire. You want to also flush and refill all other vital automotive fluids, like brake fluid, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, battery fluid, windshield wiper cleaner, and of course, motor oil. Unless you have keen mechanic skills, it is not recommended to do this yourself. Trust a licensed Indianapolis auto shop to service your car professionally.


Your battery needs more than just fluid to operate. It also need charge. Overtime, batteries drain of charge, and in lengthier stints of non-operation, will drain beyond the point of a jumpstart. In most cases of a long-sitting car, the battery will need to be replaced with a new one. Fortunately, car batteries are not expensive, plus you can change it yourself!


Not only do tires lose air pressure during long periods of non-use, but they also develop flat spots. These flat areas develop at the bottom of the tire and cause permanent shape change, so the tire can no longer be round. We need well-rounded and balanced tires for smooth and efficient operation, so in this case, it would be necessary to replace any damaged tires.

Extended Periods of Non-Use

Vehicles that have been sitting for a really long time are likely to incur some additional automotive damages, like rust formation, belt and hose deterioration, and even pest infestations. If your car has sat without being driven for a very long time, perhaps over a year or more, you should have it inspected by a licensed mechanic for dried out rubber belts and hoses, plus any potential wildlife damages like chewed electrical wiring or insulation. You can treat rust yourself to a certain extent using store-bought rust removal cleaners and kits.

Are you ready to schedule professional automotive maintenance appointment with a trusted Indy mechanic? Contact Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for ASE licensed and trained factory scheduled maintenance and car inspections in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work on all make and model vehicles!

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How to Detect Automotive Failure With Your Ears

While driving, one might hear nothing but the purring of their car engine and the clicking of their turn signal. But there are times when a person can experience another set of noises they have never heard before; or ones that certainly startle. Such noises are not desirable, as they may portend the certainty of repairs and maintenance work ahead. But not to worry; most car noises, like thumping, crackling, grinding, and squeaking, are perfectly resolvable. The first step is to diagnose the cause of the noise or noises, and there are three very common noises that are related to a number of common repairs.

Continue reading to learn the top 3 most common car noises, how to listen for them, and what they might mean in terms of auto repair and service.

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Engine Repair Indianapolis IN 317-475-1846

Car Noises That Indicate a Problem

Metal Grinding

If you are hearing metal on metal grinding sounds coming from somewhere in your car, this could possibly be the brakes.  Brakes are made up of balanced parts, each with a particular path that allows them to harmoniously work together toward a common goal of stopping the car. If any of these parts are worn or off-set, it can create noises that sound like grinding. This means your car is probably in need of some new brake pads, or possibly even some new rotors. It is always best to have a certified technician take a look to be sure what the catalyst for the noise really is. 

Aggressive Clunking

If you are suddenly hearing a heavy thumping or clanging sound coming from your vehicle, there is no telling whether or not it’s a serious or complex repair without further investigating some areas. These sounds could be occurring for a number of reasons, such as worn out or broken joints on a drive shaft and bad shocks. On the minor side, sometimes you just have something really heavy in your trunk and you keep hitting bumps on the road. Check your trunk, and if it turns out that’s not the issue, contact an auto repair shop to investigate further for you.

Whistling Engine Noise

This is not like the whistle of a train or trolley, but more like a hissing sound seeping out of your engine.  Sometimes this sound is followed by heavy steam coming from the engine and can even last after the car is turned off. The root of the whistling can be a variety of reasons, from cooling system leaks to overheated engines. Again, it is best to check with a professional to diagnose the issue accurately.  You do not want to risk a faulty repair job on your only means of transportation!

Concerned about the noises and sounds coming from your car or truck? Contact Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for engine repair and scheduled car maintenance in Indianapolis, Indiana you can afford. We also offer auto service coupons and discounts!

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Indianapolis Auto Repair Service 317-475-1846

Is It Safe to Drive My Car?

When you are aware that there are mechanical issues with your vehicle, you may worry if it’s safe to drive. Many people cannot get to a mechanic right away due to pre-scheduled priorities, like work, school, and daycare. So this question is a common one among today’s drivers with a busy schedule. Although some automotive problems can be put to the side for a few days, like oil changes and windshield wiper fluid refills, there are others that can’t be ignored for even a minute; that is, if you still want to drive.

Automotive Repair

Every component on a vehicle serves a purpose, whether aesthetically or functionally. Internally, the components in your car or truck play a vital role in the “safeness” and reliability of its operation. For this reason, most mechanical issues should be dealt with immediately, either on the spot or the morning after.

With that being said, there are certain mechanical issues that should allow you to transport your vehicle to a local automotive repair shop, safely. But there are others that will require a tow truck service to avoid putting yourself and others in harm’s way. For instance, if your vehicle requires tire rotation and balancing service or windshield wiper replacement, you are safe to drive to the mechanic for professional assistance. However, if you have an overheating car engine, or damaged exhaust, a call to the towing company is necessary.

Here are some more examples of when it is safe to drive to the mechanic, and when it is not:

Safe to Drive…

• Oil Changes
• Tire Rotation and Balancing
• Air Conditioning Repair
• Automatic Window Repair
• Door Lock Repair
• Alarms
• Cruise Control
• Lights
• Strange Sounds
• Alignment Work
• And More

Not Safe to Drive…

• Brake Repair
• Major Engine Work
• Radiator Repair
• Exhaust/Muffler Repairs
• Transmission Repair
• Fuel Injector Repair
• Fuel System Repairs
• Fuel Tank Repairs
• Blown Tires
• And More

Always Consult Your Mechanic

The extent of your vehicle’s mechanical problems can range in severity, so there may be special circumstances that will allow you to safely drive to your mechanic even if your problem is listed under “not safe” above. Ultimately, in order to know if your vehicle is safe to drive, contact your local automotive repair shop and speak with an ASE licensed mechanic that can assess your vehicle’s potential damage and offer professional advice on whether or not you can drive it to them.

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Northeast Auto Service 317-475-1846

Call Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for answers to your car repair questions. We are ASE licensed and experienced car mechanics that offer a wide range of repair and maintenance for all make and model vehicles in Indianapolis, IN. If you are unsure if your car is safe to drive, just give us a call and we’ll give you a professional opinion you can trust! Our rates are the most competitive in town, but we also offer auto repair coupons for additional savings! Call 317-475-1846 for auto repair
and service in Indianapolis
, today.

The 4 Types of Eco-Friendly Cars

In today’s generation, the motivation to preserve, reuse, and recycle is at its highest. And for very good reason. Conserving energy, fuel, and Earth’s natural resources is in the best interests of our environment, and the future of mankind.

One of the newest “eco-initiatives” is happening in the automotive industry. Automakers from across the globe are finding new ways to make cars more efficient and eco-friendly. There are four primary types of eco-friendly vehicles available on the market today. Continue reading to learn more about these cars, and what they have to offer in terms of green-living.

Eco-Friendly Driving

Owning and driving an eco-friendly car comes with several benefits. Not only are they less expensive than standard model vehicles, they are more fuel-efficient since they do not operate on fuel alone, which offers both financial and environmental incentives. And many even come with tax rebates. There are four different types of eco-friendly vehicles bought and sold on the automotive market: 1) Hybrid, 2) Electric, 3) Diesel, and 4) Biodiesel vehicle. Each type encompasses their own individual benefits.

Hybrid Cars

We start with Hybrid vehicles because they are among the most popular and driven eco-friendly cars in the country. They are most known for their ability to partially run on electricity, which saves on fuel costs. And they also don’t idle, saving even more fuel and energy. But they also reduce toxic emissions by releasing less exhaust into the environment.

Drivers are enthusiastic about the torque quality as well, and love how their cars deliver instant acceleration. Hybrid cars generally come with tax rebates, so be sure to ask your tax associate about your recent Hybrid car purchase to get a generous write-off. Hybrid cars are being improved upon year after year, and a great option for eco-friendly driving.

Electric Cars

Electric cars offer the same benefits and incentives as Hybrid vehicles, but still retain their own individual features. In contrast to hybrids, electric cars run solely on electricity, and do not use any fuel at all. Instead of filling up the gas tank, electric car drivers have to charge their vehicles to full power. Charging is simple, and electric cars self-charge every time the driver accelerates. But charging stations must also be installed at home for full-charging capabilities.

Diesel Cars

The oldest of all the eco-friendly cars, diesel-powered vehicles have been around for a long time. Before, diesel fuel was challenging, but with modern advancements, diesel fuel is now an eco-friendly option. Diesel-powered cars use less fuel than gasoline-powered vehicles. This means diesel goes a lot further than standard gasoline, and is up to 20% more efficient in comparison. These cars also have quality engines that require less maintenance, and tend to last much longer.

Biodiesel Cars

Very similar to diesel-powered vehicles, biodiesel cars provide fuel and energy-efficient incentives. The major difference is that biodiesel is man-made, and burns much cleaner. Not only does this make biodiesel easy to manufacture, it also makes it safer for the environment.

Popular Eco-Friendly Vehicles:

• Ford C Max – Hybrid
• Toyota Camry – Hybrid
• Ford Focus – Electric
• Tesla Model S – Electric
• Fiat 5e – Electric
• Chevy Volt – Electric
• Jeep Grand Cherokee – Diesel
• BMW Series 3 – Diesel
• Chevy Cruze – Biodiesel
• Mercedes-Benz E250 BlueTEC – Biodiesel

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Auto Repair Indianapolis 317-475-1846

Call Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for ASE-licensed diesel engine repair in Indianapolis, Indiana. As a family-owned and operated business, we understand the importance of honesty and integrity, which is why we offer top-quality automotive repair and service at the most economical prices in town. Our experienced automotive technicians provide a wide range of car repair services, including engine service and repair, engine work, and more. Call 317-475-1846 for trusted car engine
in Indianapolis, IN today.

When Do I Need Auto Air Conditioner Service?

When it comes to your vehicle’s air conditioning, there is no owners’ manual recommendation for how often you should have it serviced. Unlike other routine car maintenance needs, like fluid and filter changes, the proper schedule for auto air conditioner service is unclear. Now that spring is here, many people are already making the switch from heating to cooling, in both vehicles and homes. So this time of year, many drivers are questioning their auto AC needs. After all, smart car owners know that preventative maintenance is the key to a long-lasting life for any vehicle. Continue reading for a look at how to assess your auto air conditioner requirements, and who to call for professional service you can trust.

Auto AC Maintenance

To determine your auto AC maintenance needs, you must consider the condition and overall performance of your vehicle. A good place to start is familiarizing yourself with known indications of auto AC problems, and keeping an eye out for these signs as you use your system. Signs include:

Luke Warm Air – One of the most common signs of auto AC malfunction is reduced coolness. When you notice your air is just not as cold as it used to be, it is a sign that something is not quite right with your car.

Strange Noises – If your car begins to make strange or unfamiliar noises when you turn on the AC, you may need auto air conditioner service. Generally, this is an indication of a compressor malfunction, one of the more costly parts of a vehicle. For this reason, immediate service is strongly recommended.

Strange Smells – If the air produced by your AC begins to smell funny, it could be caused by a buildup of bacteria on the evaporator or filter. A simple treatment will remove any bacterial buildup, but must be administered by a trained automotive technician.

Interior Condensation – When water begins to drip or accumulate inside the interior areas of your vehicle, it is a sign that something is wrong with the air conditioning system, most likely, clogged drains. This problem should be addressed immediately to avoid mold and mildew growth, which is harmful to your health.

If you see water beneath your vehicle after driving with the AC on…

This is perfectly normal. When you see a pool of water under your parked car, it is just condensation from the evaporator. This would not be a sign that something is wrong with your vehicles cooling system. But if you still suspect something may be wrong with your car or truck, it is best to bring it into a reputable auto repair shop for professional inspection and service. An ounce of prevention goes a long way towards increasing the life and performance of your vehicle.

There is not a particular schedule for auto AC maintenance. The best way to maintain your car’s heating and cooling is to continue getting the scheduled car maintenance your owners’ manual suggests. During these routine visits, an auto mechanic should be able to catch small problems early on, before they can turn into costly auto AC repairs.

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Northeast Auto Service

Northeast Auto Service 317-475-1846

Call Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for auto air conditioning repair in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are ASE licensed mechanics with decades of experience in the automotive service and repair industry. We offer a wide range of automotive services for all make and model cars and trucks, all at the most competitive prices in town. Ask us about our auto service coupons too! Call us today at 317-475-1846 to schedule an appointment for auto AC repair service in Indianapolis, IN.

Recommended Factory Scheduled Maintenance for All Vehicles

Vehicles are one of the most valuable and significant assets in a person’s life. Purchasing a car or truck is a big investment, which is why protecting it is so crucial. When it comes to your car or truck, factory scheduled maintenance is the answer to a long-lasting, reliable, and healthy vehicle. Every 5,000 miles, all vehicles should be taken to a licensed mechanic for factory scheduled services. Continue reading to learn the most important routine maintenance and care obligations in order to make your vehicular investment last a lot longer.

Fluid and Oil Changes

One of the most obvious and common factory scheduled maintenance for cars and trucks is fluid changes. This includes oil changes, brake fluid, motor oil, coolant or antifreeze, windshield wiper fluid, brake fluid, fluid refills, transmission fluid, battery fluid, and power steering fluids. As you can see, cars operate on several different fluids, all of which serve a very important purpose. Without some of these fluids being refilled or replaced, a person can put themselves at risk while driving, or total their vehicles in the long run.

Tire Maintenance

Tires are the components of a vehicle that make contact with the ground and keep us moving in the direction we choose. Tires are vital components and require routine care for safety and longevity. Services such as tire balancing, tire rotations, changing tires, air refills, tread checks, tire inspections, and more are all vital parts of vehicle protection and care.

Vehicle Batteries

Without a properly charged and operational battery, one cannot expect their vehicle to function at all. Batteries in cars and trucks require routine maintenance and eventual replacement. They also require fluid refills and changes, depending on the make and model vehicle and the particular circumstances. Sometimes we leave the car lights on overnight by accident, which drains the battery life.

Then when you try to start your car in the morning, it won’t even make a sound. All you have to do is re-charge the battery in this case; a task that takes only a few minutes. All you need is car cables and another vehicle’s engine for power and juice. If you did not leave on your lights, or leave a door ajar for too long, and your battery id dead, it probably just needs replaced. A new car battery is cheap, costing anywhere from $50 to $80 depending on the type you choose.

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Indianapolis Car Maintenance

Indianapolis Car Maintenance 317-475-1846

Call Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for scheduled car maintenance in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are highly trained and ASE licensed automotive mechanics that provide service and repair for all make and model vehicles. We also offer discounts, auto repair coupons, DIY advice, and general information about regular scheduled car maintenance. Call 317-475-1846 when you need trusted automotive service in Indianapolis, IN.