Sure, your car smells funny sometimes. But when it is not coming from last night’s fast food or that gym bag that’s been sitting in the back seat since Sunday, those smells could indicate a real problem. Continue reading to learn the most common types of car odors and which type of automotive problems they may signify.

Common Car Smells
Car odors like burning rubber, burning wood, sulfur, gasoline, hot oil or exhaust, mold or mildew, and sweet smells are common types of odors that indicate an automotive problem or need for repair. Here are the reasons why these odors might be apparent in your vehicle right now, and what you need to do to resolve the issue:
If you smell burning rubber, it could mean that your brake pads are worn down, or your tires are being overworked. If you detect burning wood smells, it could mean that your clutch is malfunctioning.
Sulfur is often described as smelling like rotten eggs. If you smell sulfur like odors in your vehicle, the most likely culprit is overcharging your car battery. Otherwise, it could be from a defective catalytic converter or even an issue with your fuel system.
Unless you’ve accidentally spilled on yourself after filling station, if you are smelling gasoline in your car, is most likely a leak in your fuel tank. It could also be from a failing component within your evaporator emissions system.
If you are smelling hot or burning oil, or a smell similar to exhaust, it is most likely caused by an oil leak in your engine. Typically, this is from a defective gasket or seal.
Moldy or mildew odors in your vehicle are typically associated with air conditioning problems. Moisture or water can get trapped inside the inner components of your PC, and after some time begin to develop mold and mildew growth. These odors could also be caused by a buildup of moisture inside of your car, or because your cabin air filter is old.
If you are smelling sweet sugary cells in your car, it is often indicative of a coolant leak. Coolant is also known as radiator fluid, and it is on the most vital automotive fluids for all vehicles.
If you are detecting any strange odors or noises within your vehicle, it is important to have them looked at right away. Contact Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for professional automotive service and repair in Indianapolis, Indiana. Request a free estimate, or schedule service, today.
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