The price of fuel is ever-fluctuating in this economy, making most of us keen on conserving our gasoline whenever possible. Aside from not driving, there are some easy and effective ways to increase your gas mileage and save some money. Continue reading to learn the top 4 methods of obtaining better gas mileage, as well as, what to do if you suspect your fuel system is not performing as well as it should.

➀ Tire Pressure
Surprisingly, the amount of pressure you have in your tires can influence the amount of gasoline consumption. This is because low tire pressure forces a car to exert more energy and work harder to get from one place to the next. This uses a lot of fuel. Be sure to check your tires on a monthly basis, and do not let radial tires trick you. They can sometimes look completely inflated, but actually be low on pressure.
➁ AC Usage
It is hard to not always blast your vehicle’s AC on a scorching hot summer’s day. Unfortunately, the frequent use of a car’s air conditioner uses a lot of fuel. Try to roll down windows and keep a cool drink in your cup holder. These are ways you can avoid using too much AC and wasting all your fuel. Also, try parking in shady areas to keep the car cool when not in use.
➂ Aggressive Driving
Quick stops and sudden starts is often referred to as jackrabbit driving. Aggressive and abrupt driving habits can not only use up a lot of fuel, it can potentially damage your vehicle. If this describes your driving, try to slow down in the future. Relaxed driving keeps your car at a comfortable status and reduces the amount times you have to fill up.
➃ Routine Car Maintenance
Having your car in optimal condition drastically improves the amount of miles it gets per gallon of gas. This includes oil changes, tire rotations, brake services, engine cleanings, tune-ups, and much more. Keeping your car in a condition that it can perform at its best reduces the amount of work the engine has to do to operate the vehicle. Factory scheduled maintenance is crucial for any vehicle you own. It has a huge influence on how long your vehicle will survive and how fast it uses its fuel.
Indianapolis Fuel System Repair
Call Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for specialized fuel system repair in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are ASE licensed and certified car mechanics who provide a wide range of foreign and domestic auto repair services, as well as, free estimates, coupons, car care advice, and more. Request a free estimate, today.