Everyone needs their car. Your car plays a vital role in maintaining your livelihood. Whether you use your car to get to and from work, go back and forth from school, or shuttle around your family to all of their schooling obligations and activities, your vehicle is very important. In the best interest of your financial future, it would be wisest to do all that you can to make your vehicle last as long as possible. Fortunately, there is a very budget-friendly way to do this.
Continue reading to learn how to make your car less longer for cheaper, plus where you can get dependable and affordable automotive service and repair in Indianapolis.

The Cheapest Way to Increase the Life of Your Car or Truck
Stay Current on Factory Scheduled Maintenance
When you want to make your vehicle last as long as it possibly can, your first step is to read the owner’s manual. Your particular make and model vehicle will have a specific factory maintenance plan recommended within its manual. Follow the instructions for factory scheduled maintenance for your vehicle, ensuring that you stay on top of it throughout the year, every year. When you keep up with car maintenance, you will experience fewer breakdowns and mechanical issues, which also saves you money on expensive automotive repairs and parts replacements.
Regularly Check Fluid Levels
Your vehicle requires certain automotive fluids at all times for optimal performance, safety, and you guessed it, longevity. This includes motor oil, radiator fluid, brake fluid, power steering fluid, transmission fluid, battery fluid, and windshield wiper fluid. To make a vehicle last as long as it is designed to last, it is important to ensure that your fluid levels are adequate at all times by regularly checking them. Refer to your vehicle’s owner’s manual for instructions on how to inspect and refill each fluid. In most cars, dashboard lights will appear if a fluid is low or empty.
Be Consistent With Oil Changes
As mentioned, it is important to regularly check your automotive fluid levels. Your motor oil is one of the most important automotive fluids because it lubricates the grinding, heat-generating internal mechanical components within your engine. Above all other vital automotive fluids, it is important to be consistent with the oil changes the most. Ask your mechanic how often you should get an oil change for your car.
Stay Alert to Strange Sounds or Movements
It is always important to be on the lookout for strange sounds, vibrations, shaking, or movements when starting or driving your vehicle. Such changes in your vehicle’s performance are indicators of an underlying problem. Your Indianapolis mechanic will be able to diagnose your vehicles issues through your description of its irregular performance. It is also good idea to stay alert to strange car smells, like burning rubber, gasoline, or a sweet syrupy scent.
Are you looking for a dependable automotive mechanic for help with your car or truck issues? Contact Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for professional automotive service and repair in Indianapolis, Indiana. Request a free estimate, or schedule service, today.
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