If you are planning an Autumn road trip, you have the right idea in mind! The ambient weather and changing colors of the leaves and flora will make your long-distance car trip one to remember. But before you pack up the car and hit the road, it is important to ensure that your vehicle is travel-ready. After all, you do not want to face unanticipated delays and breakdowns a long the way.
Continue below to review some of the top car care and auto maintenance tips that will help prepare your vehicle for a safe and enjoyable road trip!

Avoid Road Trip Delays With Proper Car Care
According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), the majority of vehicles on the road today are more than 10 years old. If your travel vehicle is about this age, it is statistically more likely to break down. Whether you run into a dead battery issue and require a jump start or need a tow for a blown tire because you have no spare, long distance driving trips are known for unanticipated automotive malfunctions and setbacks just like these; but all of them are virtually 100% avoidable with the right preparation.
Top 3 road trip problems you can avoid with a qualified automotive pre-trip inspection:
⛮ Dead Car Batteries
One of the most frequent automotive problems experienced by long-distance road trip drivers is a dead car battery. There are many reasons why a car battery dies, but the most common cause is due to parasitic draw or drain, like accidentally leaving the interior cabin lights on all night. Other common causes of a dead car battery include problems with the alternator, starter, or electrical system.
⛮ Engine Malfunctions
Another reason why long-distance drivers run into automotive problems on a road trip is engine malfunctioning. There are many things that can go wrong within your vehicle’s engine, from gears and gaskets to belts, hoses, fans, and much more. If one of these components begins to malfunction or breaks down in any way, it can cause a problem with the engine.
Overheating car engines are common on long-distance road trips, especially during the warmer seasons. It is important to ensure that you always have an extra bottle of coolant, also referred to as radiator fluid or anti-freeze, in the trunk of your car in the case that your coolant gets low. Low coolant is the most common reason why engines overheat.
⛮ Tire Troubles
It is without a doubt that tire blowouts and flats are common automotive issues dealt with on long-distance trips. It is important to ensure that your tires are properly inflated prior to departing and routinely while traveling out on the road. Furthermore, not all cars, especially modern-day ones, come with spare tires, so you might want to consider purchasing a compatible spare if your vehicle does not already come equipped with one.
You never know when you might run over a nail or hit a pothole the wrong way. Having an extra tire on hand can get you back on the road in as little as 20 minutes so long as you have all the necessary tire changing tools. You can purchase emergency roadside kits at any local department store or through an online retailer. Such kids vary in size and quality, but for tire changing purposes you will need to make sure yours comes with a jack, torque wrench, reflective road triangles, flashlight, traffic vest, and other emergency roadside supplies.
How to Prepare Your Car for Road Trip Safety
The most effective and responsible approach to preparing your vehicle for a safe road trip is to bring it into your local Indianapolis mechanic. An ASE licensed automotive mechanic will know exactly what to inspect and what to look for when preparing for a road trip. Along with a comprehensive once-over inspection, they will make any proper adjustments and minor repairs to ensure your car is prepared for optimal efficiency and performance.
Are you ready to schedule your pre-trip car inspection with a trusted Indianapolis mechanic? Contact Northeast Auto Service at 317-475-1846 for ASE licensed and trained factory scheduled maintenance and car inspections in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work on all make and model vehicles!
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